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May 06, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So it turns out that you can get banned from Facebook not only for saying bad things, but for being associated with people who say bad things. Facebook hates Gavin McGinnes, whom they've already banned, so they kicked out Alex Jones because he appeared in a video with him. Milo Yiannopolous got the boot for saying nice things about Tommy Robinson, whom Facebook has designated a 'hate figure'. So if someone says something nice about Alex Jones, will they be banned, too? This is all guilt by association, and my question is, if A appears in a video with B who once caught a ride with C who had lunch with D who once spoke at an auditorium where Milo once gave a speech, will that be enough to get A banned? Seriously, how long can these guilt chains get? And I don't understand so-called conservatives like Ana Navarro applauding this. Does she honestly think they won't eventually come for her? 'Oh no, I'm not a h8r' I can hear her say. But it never seems to enter her pea brain that what constitutes 'hate speech' is going to get redefined, and then we'll see a new wave of bannings, and then redefined again, and again, until everyone who's even a *little* bit to her right has been de-platformed. And then what is she going to do? She is simply too dumb to see the endgame here. She may think there will be safety in running further and further left, but she obviously hasn't read her Solzhenitsyn. He saw that the gulags were full of men who considered themselves good communists and Party members and they kept writing letters to Comrade Stalin telling them that they've been imprisoned by mistake. So, a couple three years from now, someone is going to dig up some of Ana's old tweets or video clips where she expresses some tepidly conservative views, and that will be enough to toss her, kicking and squealing, off the platform. And nobody will defend her, because anyone who could or would defend her will have long been silenced."
"Climate of Hate":

Some variation of the 'climate of hate' trope gets applied by the MSM (and the Democrats)(BIRM) to whichever Republican is most prominent on the national radar. No matter how squishy or not-really-conservative they actually are. Heck, they would even say this about John Kasich if he had run a competent campaign and earned more than 3 or 4 votes.
You Will Never See A Better Example of White Privilege In Action:
Once this clueless white lady is finished fluffing for Maduro, she'll fly back to her comfortable home in the USA where there's plenty of food in all of the grocery stories, good restaurants and all-night coffee shops in every strip mall and supermarket shopping complex, where government thugs aren't murdering people in the street, and her lights stay on all of the time. All of which she takes for granted.
Old-School Facebook:
Who Dis:

(click for bigger solo)
For the 'Ettes:
(click for bigger shot call)
Friday's celebs: From the movie Shazam!, we have Zachary Levi and Meagan Good.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Baked Sriracha Glazed Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings:

(you can get the recipe for these bad boys

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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