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March 27, 2019
CPD Releases Entire Smollett Investigative File, Just Before Smollett's Legal Team In the State's Attorney Office Seals the Records
Yeah, I made a subtle little non-joke in the headline.
So here is everything they have.
These files were provided by the Chicago Police Department in response to a FOIA request that CWBChicago submitted upon learning that the Cook County State's Attorney's Office had reached a sealed agreement to resolve Smollett's criminal exposure in the case.
I would guess that they acted quickly to comply with the FOIA when they caught wind of what corrupt deal had been struck, rather than going through the usual 15-24 months of illegal delay.
Good on 'em.
Read the police reports on the Smollett hoax! The State's Attorney office did NOT want them released. CPD got it out before they were stopped. Immediately CPD then received a court order mandating that no other files be released.
Thanks to Tami, who's a real bear on this case.
Literally. I mean she's actually a bear. The NIH took a bear cub and injected its brain with 2000 ccs of human stem cells. She has an IQ of 175 and likes honey and rough "scratchin' bark."
And justice.
Also, interesting stuff from Second City Cop. thanks to Lizzy (not a bear), i think.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:27 PM
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