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March 14, 2019
Julie Kelly Lights Up David French, The Bulwark, and The National Review
When Cabin Boys attack.
Sadly, Hanson's colleagues and editors at National Review were silent about this vulgar and vicious attack against a man who undoubtedly has prevented the outlet from losing legions of subscribers given its mostly anti-Trump approach over the past three years. Aside from a few nonspecific tweets that linked to Hanson's piece, no one has offered a strong rebuke of Schoenfeld or The Bulwark: It's too bad that Hanson isn’t a Native American elder because in that case, perhaps NR editors immediately would have swooped in to defend him.
To the contrary, David French, a self-appointed referee of all that is good and moral and decent, appeared on Sykes' podcast for The Bulwark five days after the Hanson hit piece was posted. French, a social media hall monitor who just changed his Twitter avatar to the fictional news anchor Ron Burgundy in order to scold people to "stay classy," giggled along with Sykes on a number of topics, including this week's mobbing of Tucker Carlson. But French failed to confront Sykes about Schoenfeld's article, instead choosing to lament recent comments by another Fox News host about anti-Semite Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).
The Bulwark and its enablers like French continue to do more damage to our political discourse while professing to elevate it. The depth of their intellectual rot is matched only by their witless political sense and their schoolyard bully tactics. But no doubt their leftist benefactors are proud of their work in the service of genuine social evil.
One more thing: She points out that this Romney Presidential Campaign Adviser (strong work!) claimed that it was silly to say that Hillary and Fusion schemed to use "The Dossier" as a political attack, using the FBI as her attack vector, because, you see, they never attempted to publicize the dossier before the election, and it never was publicized before the election.
John Huber quotes dozens of media sources quoting or alluding to the dossier before the election -- including The Bulwark's founder/front-man-for-Pierre-Omidyar Bill Kristol advertising its contents in, I think September 2016 -- and demands that The Bulwark, which claims to be highly virtuous and honest, correct its plain lies.
They won't, of course. The thing is about SJWs -- and NeverTrumpers are in fact SJWs -- is that they are so convinced of their Divine Righteousness that they believe that any lie, any smear, and dishonesty is justified by their Inherent Goodness.
So the lie will stand, and The Bulwark will continue fulminating against "liars" and "grifters" and "conmen" in the movement.
We're Not Pretending to be Conserving Conservatism Any More:

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:06 PM
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