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March 08, 2019
Justice4Jussie! Grand Jury Returns 16 Felony Counts Against "Jussie" Smollett
This just proves how necessary reparations are, as if we needed more proof.
Smollet was charged with a single count of felony disorderly conduct-false report last month based on allegations brought by the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.
But, CWBChicago has learned that a grand jury has now returned a total of 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct-false report against the former star of Empire on Fox.
The grand jury's true bill states that Smollett lied about the attack to two separate police officers--the beat cop who took his initial report and a detective who conducted a follow-up interview the same day.
The new charges against Smollett each carry a potential sentence of probation to four years if convicted. Realistically, though, Smollett is unlikely to be convicted on more than a fraction of the charges.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:02 PM
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