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February 15, 2019
Twitter User Asks Alexandria Donkey-Chompers' Why Her Boyfriend Now Has a US Government Email Address, and Promptly Gets Banned by Twitter
Is this guy on the payroll, or was he given a House email address for some reason the rest of us don't know about? Update: AOC's Chief of Staff, who has lied on her behalf before, says that the boyfriend was only given calendar access as other friends and families of congressmen are given.
Which does not answer the question: Why was Luke Thompson suspended by Twitter? Is it illegal to ask questions of alleged public servants?
His access has now been restored, but we are seeing a very troubling pattern of companies being pressured by AOC's DSA goon squad to punish her critics.
It just so happens that yesterday's post on this very blog about AOC got flagged as "violating industry standards." In the headline, I said she'd "queered the Amazon deal," using the verb "to queer" meaning "to spoil the effect or success of." But someone decided to pretend this was a gay slur, and demanded that the post be edited, or else I'd get banned from advertising.
Was it one of AOC's goons? I can't imagine who else would flag such an inoffensive post, except someone who is determined that no criticism of the stone-cold stupid socialist wondergirl will be tolerated.
#MuhPrivateBusinessDecisions though, right, TruCons...? Not ever going to be any pushback against this coordinated effort to end free speech, right?
AOC's Chief of Staff is claiming they had nothing to do with the suspension -- well, they also seem to not be telling Twitter to lay off and reinstate the guy, either. They seem to enjoy Twitter once again playing Speech Enforcer for the favorites of the left. Update: Luke Thompson's account has now been reinstated. I don't know how that happened.
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers' chief of staff defends the twitter ban, claiming that publishing a publicly-available email address, which is listed on government web-pages, is "doxxing."
That's the same guy who did so much lying in the aftermath of the release of AOC's Ban Cow Farts/Pay Those Unwilling to Work document.
He says the didn't report him to Twitter.
This mutant says she reported the guy to twitter, allegedly for... asking a question multiple times and not being satisfied with AOC's answers.
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:12 PM
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