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February 15, 2019
Harvard Students: Dumber Than Your Dog, But Much More Confident
Harvard University and its various colleges and professional and academic schools are considered the pinnacle of American Academia. Oh, sure, maybe their Molecular Biology department lags Stanford's, and their French Literature department is running far behind Yale's (I have no idea, nor do I care), but in the main they are representative of academic excellence in every way.
So the fact that their students...the Crème de la Crème of American high schools, are so completely illiterate and ignorant of the basic, profound, essential guarantees of our constitution is a little bit disconcerting.
Or not. Maybe the golden years of American Academia are behind us, and these retards (my apologies to real retards) are actually the best that America can offer, in which case, shoot me now!
Harvard Students Call for Firing of Law Prof for Representing Harvey Weinstein
Harvard Law School professor Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. has taken a role on the defense team of disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. Now some students are protesting and calling for his firing.
One of those whiny little bitches is something called a " Social Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexuality concentrator," which in my estimation is pretty much the same thing as an apprentice fluffer on a porn movie that wasn't quite good enough to make it to the internet.