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February 14, 2019
LOL: Amazon, in a "Stunning Reversal," Will Not Build Its Major New Headquarters In NYC
Womp womp.
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers wins.
And it's too bad, because I hear there are a lot of low-skilled hipsters in Brooklyn who need work lately.
Learn to code, bitches.
Amazon will not build a new headquarters in New York City, a stunning reversal to an ambitious plan that would have brought an estimated 25,000 jobs to the city.
The online retailer faced fierce opposition from some New York politicians who were unhappy with the nearly $3 billion in tax incentives Amazon was promised. Along with thousands of jobs, the Seattle company had planned spend $2.5 billion building its new offices.
It was a serious blow to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, who lobbied intensely to land the campus within city limits.
I actually have no idea if I support such lavish giveaways to attract a business. These don't seem fair to businesses already located in the city. If you just keep offering tax deals to a certain number of favored companies, doesn't the tax burden shift to those who aren't being given sweetheart deals?
But I'm going to LOL anyway.