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February 11, 2019
Learn to Code: BuzzFeed Repeats Northam Team's Spin That He Couldn't Be the One in the Blackface Photo, Because That Person Held a Beer in His Right Hand While Northam is Left-Handed
Here was that BuzzFeed "News" story:
But Northam is still struggling to convince those around him that he should be able to complete his term in office, and that he was not in fact in the yearbook picture.
His chief argument as he has huddled with advisers and staff that he was not: The people in the picture were holding beers in their right hands.
That stuck Northam as odd, a source close to his office said. In medical school, Northam told advisers, he’d been so awkward with his right hand that he had to force himself to hold the scalpel with it. His left hand was his dominant hand, and indeed, the hand with which he was holding a beer in the picture of him alone in a cowboy hat -- next to one that could yet alter the course of his political career.
Can you guess what happened next?
Something wonderful.
Put aside the bizarre claim that someone who's left handed couldn't hold a beer with his right hand, or vice-versa.
This is BuzzFeed "News." When they want to embarrass themselves, they go all-in.
And you might think, "Hey, maybe they accidentally flipped that image," but then you check the writing on the Virginia emblem on the table, and the writing goes the right way.
Well done, BuzzFeed.
BuzzFeed, I'm starting to wonder if you're even ready to learn to code.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:07 PM
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