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February 06, 2019
Vanessa Tyson Releases Statement, Alleging What Many Jurisdictions Would Call Straight-Up Rape
The claims, as she states them, constitute forcible rape in many jurisdictions, and forcible sodomy in most others. Some jurisdictions reserve "rape" to vaginal penetration, but others say rape is any forcible sexual penetration, including forcible sodomy.
Her statement, if true, is horrifying. Here's a link. The below might be too small or blurry to read.
Paragraph 3 is where it gets terrible.
Instant Karma's Gonna Get You:
Sean Davis put it best; "Kathy Tran's desire to murder newborn babies has completely decapitated the entirety of Virginia's Democrat leadership."
Posted by: El Kabong
The Washington Post Spiked Her Story:
That October [of 2017], as the #MeToo movement intensified, women throughout the world began forcefully speaking out about the sexual violence they had experienced and the impact of those experiences on their lives. The courage of so many women coming forward to confront powerful men and systems that allow such abuse to occur are part of what inspired me to action. I felt a responsibility to myself, the beloved students I teach, and the brave women I’ve tried to help overcome their own trauma. The passion and resolve of so many survivors, coupled with the job security that tenure afforded me, gave me the strength I simply did not have in 2004. By December 2017, I not only told many friends that Mr. Fairfax had sexually assaulted me but I also reached out to a personal friend at The Washington Post and spoke to his colleague about the assault.
After The Washington Post decided in March 2018 not to run my story, I felt powerless, frustrated, and completely drained. Again I tried to bury memories of this painful incident and focus on my work and my students.
Note well: The Washington Post just spent $5.5 million on a Super Bowl commercial praising its Firefighting Bravery.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:35 PM
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