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State of the Union Thread »
February 05, 2019
Elizabeth Warren Claimed to be a Native American on Her Texas Bar Application
Remember, she's always maintained that she did not advertise her "family lore" of being 1/1024th American Indian for purposes of swiping diversity slots from actual Indians.
After this story heated up, she admitted she had told Harvard and U. Penn that she was a Native American... but (wink, wink) only after they'd hired her.
Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren acknowledged for the first time late Wednesday night that she told Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania that she was Native American, but she continued to insist that race played no role in her recruitment.
“At some point after I was hired by them, I . . . provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard,’’ she said in a statement issued by her campaign. “My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I'm proud of it and I have been open about it.’"
Warren’s statement is her first acknowledgment that she identified herself as Native American to the Ivy League schools. While she has said she identified herself as a minority in a legal directory, she has carefully avoided any suggestion during the last month that she took further actions to promote her purported heritage.
And yet here she is, early in her career, creating the paper trail that would permit her to do start advertising herself as a Person of Color.
From the Boston Globe link above the tweet:
But as Warren undergoes increased scrutiny as a presidential candidate, additional documents could surface to keep the issue alive.
Using an open records request during a general inquiry, for example, The Post obtained Warren's registration card for the State Bar of Texas, providing a previously undisclosed example of Warren identifying as an ‘"American Indian."
Warren filled out the card by hand and signed it. Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn't dispute its authenticity.
So we're to assume she started creating her very dubious paper trail -- like someone trying to pass a forged painting by creating a phony chain-of-sale provenance -- but then didn't use this in her application materials?
Thanks to JackStraw.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:53 PM
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