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February 05, 2019
Justin Fairfax Now Threatening to Sue Washington Post for "Smear"
Note that we won't hear any liberal or NeverTrump (but I repeat myself) tut-tutting about "eroding norms of democracy" by "threatening and intimidating our brave firefighters of the free press."
That's reserved for Trump.
Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax on Monday accused The Washington Post of "smearing" him by reporting the details of an allegation of sexual assault against him from 15 years ago and threatened legal action, in the latest political bombshell to rock Richmond.
A statement released by the Democrat's office said, "The Washington Post, acknowledging that it had no corroboration, just smeared an elected official. We reiterate that this allegation is false. At no time has the lieutenant governor assaulted anyone at any time or at any place."
"This type of smear is what we meant when we said that politics and the coverage of it needs to rise to a higher level that befits our country and the 400-year history of our Commonwealth," the statement from Fairfax's office read. "This is what we meant when we said that people who continue to spread these false allegations will be sued.
"We ask further: What other major elected official in the Commonwealth of Virginia would be smeared with sexual allegations that were presented without corroboration?" the statement said.
Wasn't Bret Kavanaugh from Virginia?
Oh right, he wasn't an elected official, in Virginia. Totally different rules!

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:07 PM
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