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February 01, 2019
The Morning Rant

"You know, I'm actually not to worried about the 40th week abortion law they're trying to pass in Virginia. I think the pro-Moloch/PP cabal overplayed their hand a bit. I think the amount of blowback they've gotten caught them by surprise, and for the past few days, they've been lying, obfuscating and gaslighting like crazy in order to get people to believe that they didn't say what they obviously said, plain as day. It's like someone turned on the kitchen light on late at night and all the cockroaches are scurrying for cover. Abortion is one of the progressive left's great motte and bailey acts: they advocate for the most extreme position imaginable, abortion up until the moment of birth, and then when pressed for details, you get a bunch of bafflegab about quote, women's health, unquote. Which, of course, sounds very benign and non-controversial. I mean, who is not in favor of women's health, right? And as long as they can keep the debate on that fuzzy, indistinct level, they can win. Because, generally speaking, the more people know about the actual details of abortion, the more its obviously barbaric nature will be apparent and the less likely they'll be inclined to support it. And of course, the pro-Moloch/PP side is aided greatly by a compliant MSM that never asks them any hard questions and generally accepts everything they say without much debate. They will frequently use the descriptive phrase 'pro-life extremists', but you never hear them call Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton 'late-term abortion extremists.' Because they're too busy pestering GOP candidates about evolution and the Bible."
Not Seeing A Downside Here:
New From Cyberdyne Systems:
Friday Bardot:
(click for larger version)
For the 'Ettes:
Wednesday's celebrities: Ann Miller and Paul Walker.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Brought To You By the Biggest Damn Pizza You Ever Saw In Your Life:

My only question is: Where do I have to go to order one of these monster pizzas?
(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:19 AM
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