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January 28, 2019
In Birmingham, England, Muslim Moms Protesting a School's Pro-Homosexuality Indoctrination
Who are the oppressed ones here? I don't know who I should support with my feeeeeelings!
But Mr Moffat and the No Outsiders programme have come under fire from some Muslim parents who condemn such teachings, as homosexuality is strictly forbidden in Islam.
Mr Moffat, who is openly gay, and the school have defended the programme, which they said had been fully explained to parents. They added: "No Outsiders allows us to raise awareness of these differences so that children are able to tolerate and accept differences in our society."
But outraged mum Fatima Shah, who has taken her 10-year-old daughter out of the school, told BirminghamLive: "It's inappropriate, totally wrong.
"Children are being told it's OK to be gay yet 98 per cent of children at this school are Muslim. It's a Muslim community.
"I've taken my daughter out and other parents have too. Enough is enough...
"My child came home and told me am I OK to be a boy? It's confusing children about sexuality.
"I want my child to learn about English, maths and science."
There's a good chance police will get involved here -- England now routinely sends cops to harass and intimidate people who even retweet a post suggesting that trans "women" are not really women. (Not even to any specific person, just a general observation.)
So when the cops come to crush wrongthink, whose side should they use force and threat of imprisonment to champion?
We'll soon find out who really runs Bartertown.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:07 PM
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