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Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson Have Had It With the Cucks »
January 22, 2019
The Morning Rant
(CBD is on the lam, hiding from bill collectors due to some ill-advised sports betting, so we're switching days. The punctured chimp will be back tomorrow.)

"Yesterday I discussed how the debunking of the run-with-it-no-matter-what media narrative regarding the Covington Catholic School kids and how that version is going to be the one cemented in the heads of progs ever after. Perhaps some enterprising conservative group should start publishing something they could call The Catalog of Left-Wing Bullshit to keep track of all of the false narratives spewed out by progressives. Like the 'hands up don't shoot' one where Michael Brown got shot in the back for doing nothing. You morons came up with some good examples in the comments, among them: a climate of right-wing hate in Dallas led to Kennedy's assassination. And civil rights laws were passed over Republican opposition. And back in the year something something, the Republican and Democrat parties magically switched sides overnight. And the United States is the only Western country to have slavery. And the Founders thought blacks were only three-fifths people. And on and on. The problem is, The Catalog of Left-Wing Bullshit would have to be updated with a new edition every year, like a yearbook, to keep up with the dizzying torrent of garbage narratives pumped out by the prog media. As Reagan said in a more charitable era, 'the trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.'"
Exhibit A, "Trump-Inspired Racism":
A Request:
345 Hey Oregon Muse - would it be possible to post the names of the mystery celebs the following day? You know, like the way the newspaper publishes the answer to yesterday's crossword puzzle? I love the pics, but I hate that "Oh, that's . . . that's . . . that's whatzername?" feeling. It would be nice to get the correct answer at some point.
Posted by: biancaneve at January 21, 2019 11:54 AM (hkMx0)
I haven't bothered with making big "reveal" announcements because the identities of my pics usually get guessed correctly early on in the comments. Or, it's obvious who it is. Also, I don't post every day, and most of you morons have tiny attention spans, so there's that. But I will give it a try and see how it works out. Another idea would be for me to post the identities on the same thread as soon as ace posts over my thread. I could even invisiblize it so the latecomers wouldn't be left out.
Monday's celebs were Jan 'WKRP' Smithers and, of course, the Hon. Congressman Dan Crenshaw.
Bill Kristol- The Early Years:
The Hottest Ticket In Town:

If Satan Drove A UPS Truck:
Seems Appropriate For Today:

(click for enlargement)
(h/t to the morons in yesterday's thread who suggested this visual pun)
"Hi, I'm Danny And I've Dug 17 Tunnels Entirely With My Face."
Shamelessly Pandering To the 'Ettes:

(click to see Dan bigger)
Dan's lovely wife Tara (she's the one on the right) most likely believes herself to be the most fortunate woman in the world.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:19 AM
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