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December 13, 2018
Bug-Eyed Mentally Challenged Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex Can't Stop Talking About How Amazing She Is; This Time, She Implies That She's a "Genius" and Is Sick of the Patriarchy Not Recognizing Her as Such
Oh yeah, honey. You're obviously a genius. You prove it every day with sage wisdom like "The unemployment rate is only low because people are forced to work two jobs."
And she was an Economics major. This is her area of intellectual strength.
Only the fact that she's a wahmen keeps people from acknowledging her obvious genius.
This megalomaniacal retard recently threatened to sock Donald Trump Jr. with House subpoenas -- all because she didn't like being criticized on Twitter.
Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.
Donald Trump Jr. shared a meme that featured Ocasio-Cortez on his Instagram that claimed the policies of socialism will cause Americans to eat their dogs. The meme shows two images: one of Ocasio-Cortez with the text, "Why are you so afraid of a socialist economy?" and another image beneath Ocasio-Cortez of President Donald Trump with an overlay of text saying, "Because Americans want to walk their dogs, not eat them."
In response to a Washington Post write up of the meme, Ocasio-Cortez threatened to use the “subpoena power” of Congress against Trump Jr.
Sean Davis of the Federalist pointed to House Ethics Manual stipulations that members of Congress are "prohibited from threatening" due to partisan politics and cited the statute.
After a lot of lawyers told her she was in violation of House rules, this subretard lawyered up and provided this quickly-researched opinion from a lawyer (which she claimed she wrote herself -- she's a genius, you know):
"For the GOP crying that this is a 'threat' -- I don’t have power to subpoena anybody. Congress as a body, GOP included, has the power. No [individual] member can issue a subpoena unless they are a chair (which, as a freshman, I can assure you I will not be). Also must be under purview."
I'm going to bet 1000 dollars that this if is the first time this drooling imbecile has used the word "purview." I will bet another 1000 that if you ask her what it means in a week, she will stare at you like a chicken seeing Laser Floyd for the first time.
And not a very bright chicken, either.
Oh -- it was Satirical. Right. I remember the days of the "satirical" statement, which is any statement a leftwing now finds inconvenient.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:10 PM
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