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December 10, 2018
The Morning Rant

"I'm watching the 6-part documentary 'The Clinton Affair' on A&E, and you know what chaps my buns? They write off the exposure of the Clintons' crimes as just smear campaigns by political operatives such as 'The American Spectator' magazine, and Rush Limbaugh. But then they need to show someone who tells us these things, who sort of tells us the way things really are, a straight-shooter whom the audience can trust, and do you know who they pick? David Effing Brock. They don't bother to mention Media Matters or American Bridge 21st Century or any of the other organizations Brock has put together to smear conservatives, boost Hillary Clinton. The audience is never told any of these things, and one of the most rabidly partisan attack dogs in national politics is presented as a more or less neutral, unbiased observer. Oh, and attack politics was completely unknown in Washington until it was invented by Newt Gingrich. I'll bet you morons didn't know that, either. But 'The Clinton Affair' isn't all bad, it does do a pretty good job showing how Bill Clinton was such a complete sleazebag. Unlike Trump's past sexual adventures, Bill was carrying his on while he was on the job, as President, in a little room adjacent to the Oval Office. One of his secretaries obviously knew what was going on and ran interference for him. And some of the women who are now hollering '#MeToo' were among his most ardent defenders. So when Trump's critics bring up Stormy Daniels, they only response they deserve is a loud, braying horse laugh."
Fine Art:
Remember, They Hate You And Want To See You Dead:
(apparently, the assclown that tweeted this call for mass executions of normal Americans has "protected" his account, which means that seeing his tweets is by invitation only. But the tweets are never completely invisible.)
For Grammie:
(Although I understand grammie has become a Pirates fan of late (aaarrrr!))
Troll Level: Master
And Now, Some Vintage [Cheese|Beef]Cake:

(click for slightly larger view)

(click for larger view of a REAL man)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:33 AM
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