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December 06, 2018
NYT: Elizabeth Warren Stands By Her DNA Test. But Everyone Else Think She's an Stupid Old Prune-Idiot Sourcrotch.
Not fully the original headline.
The plan was straightforward: After years of being challenged by President Trump and others about a decades-old claim of Native American ancestry, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts would take a DNA test to prove her stated family origins in the Cherokee and Delaware tribes.
But nearly two months after Ms. Warren released the test results and drew hostile reactions from prominent tribal leaders, the lingering cloud over her likely presidential campaign has only darkened. Conservatives have continued to ridicule her. More worrisome to supporters of Ms. Warre'’s presidential ambitions, she has yet to allay criticism from grass-roots progressive groups, liberal political operatives and other potential 2020 allies who complain that she put too much emphasis on the controversial field of racial science -- and, in doing so, played into Mr. Trump's hands.
Advisers close to Ms. Warren say she has privately expressed concern that she may have damaged her relationships to Native American groups and her own standing with activists, particularly those who are racial minorities. Several outside advisers are even more worried: They say they believe a plan should be made to repair that damage, possibly including a strong statement of apology.
The article doesn't mention the real problem with Elizabeth Warren's phony race-hustling -- that she posed as a member of a legally-preferred race in order to advance her sad saggy white ass -- but instead pretends the problem is that, by using genetics to prove racial ancestry, she endorsed the "white supremacist" view that race is based on blood (DNA) and not, I guess, a socially-constructed "I feel like an Indian this week" adopt-an-identity thing.
Ms. Warren’s allies also say she unintentionally made a bigger mistake in treading too far into the fraught area of racial science -- a field that has, at times, been used to justify the subjugation of racial minorities and Native Americans.
Ms. Warren has also troubled advocates of racial equality and justice, who say her attempt to document ethnicity with a D.N.A test gave validity to the idea that race is determined by blood -- a bedrock principle for white supremacists and others who believe in racial hierarchies. Native American critics, including Kim TallBear, a prominent scholar from the University of Alberta, said in October that Ms. Warren's actions relied on "settler-colonial" definitions of who is an indigenous American and amounted to a haughty refusal to hear out her longstanding critics.
Um, whatever. I have a feeling Kim TallBear's quotes were chopped up to avoid the real problem, and that TallBear said something like, "If someone's claiming to be 0.0001% Indian, but has never identified as an Indian or abided by Indian ways or lived in any kind of Indian culture, then they're not an Indian."
In other words: Maybe in suuuuuuper marginal case of some Indian heritage, we'll call you an Indian if you actually belong to a tribe or at least show any respect at all for Indian culture.
By the way, the New York Times lies in saying that Trump "slurs" Warren by calling her "Pocahantas," as if he's making fun of her Indian heritage, when of course the whole point is that her "Indian heritage" is being denied as a grotesque affirmative-action points-grubbing lie.
He's not making fun of her for being Pocahantas -- but for not being Pocahantas, while representing herself for years during the tough tenure race as Indian.
But again, the New York Times is desperately trying to make the story not about Elizabeth Warren's lies but instead about Elizabeth Warren's Heartbreaking TRUTHS.
Update: Washington Post Fat Soft Thumb Chris Cillizza claims it was "obvious" "from day one" that Elizabeth Warren's DNA gamble was bad bet -- but look what he wrote on Day One of the gamble. He was all in, baby!
posted by Ace of Spades at
02:38 PM
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