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December 07, 2018
The Morning Rant
"I've just thought of what would be the best Christmas gift ever. I would like to see Sarah Sanders punch Jim Acosta in the face. And I'd like it to be just like the scene at the end of Die Hard where that weaselly, repellent TV reporter walks up to John McClane and starts to pester him, and then Holly steps up and pops him a good one right in his smug puss. And as they're driving off, Acosta looks at the camera and asks 'Did you get that?' Ha, yeah, that sounds exactly like something that the self-fixated pr*ck would say. Plus, I think this would greatly improve the WH press briefings. If the pool reporters knew that seriously dumb questions or pompous grandstanding might earn them a good hard one across the snout, they would straighten up and act like adults. Or they'd get together and throw out bad actors like Acosta and April Reid who, obviously, aren't serious journalists, but are only there to aggrandize themselves."
End Capitalism!
What the New Weekly Standard Will Look Like:
Notorious Augusto P)
Oxford Man > Florida Man?
Read the rest of the story.
Who Dis
(click to make me bigger)Hint: I was brutally murdered by a band of psychopathic hippies
And For the 'Ettes, An Easy One:
(click to enlarge me)
posted by OregonMuse at
11:32 AM
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