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October 22, 2018
"You Just Don't Know What's Best For You," And Other Pearls From The Elites
The arrogance and contempt for regular Americans, or "normals," that oozes from every pore of the limousine liberals is rapidly becoming mainstream among their talking heads. It is no longer necessary to even pretend that they care about the common man. Perhaps they should read a history of the French Revolution....
This is a nice little fisking of an NPR panel discussion on how to fool the rubes...NPR: How Do We Talk to the Dangerous Idiots Who Disagree With Us?
I listened to a remarkable bit of self-parody on National Public Radio on Tuesday: a moderator, a pair of experts, and some very earnest listeners trying to figure out how to most politely tell climate change skeptics they are dangerous idiots.
Yes, on NPR's "1A," finding a way to convert those neanderthals, or at least move the "conversation" in the right direction, was the topic of nearly 40 minutes of chatter that was at times quite unintentionally funny.
Here's a quotation from one of the panelists:
Clearly climate change is tough to discuss, despite overwhelming scientific evidence of its existence. Or maybe because of that evidence. I mean, think about it. If someone tried to hit you over the head with a bunch of facts and figures, supremely confident that they are right and you are wrong, how would you feel? Or, if someone flat out refused to hear you out, despite the facts being really clear, and just dug in their heels to avoid feeling like they lost an argument, what would that be like? We want to elevate this debate, to change the way we talk about climate change.
Ah...so they are becoming aware that the lies aren't working as well as they expected, so the methods must change!
Read the whole thing; there are marvelous nuggets of Newspeak that would have awed George Orwell.
A long time ago, in a country that was pretty good at guiding its citizens to ends that in retrospect were not terribly good for them or for the rest of the world, their leader wrote of "the big lie," or "große Lüge"
Thus such an untruth will not at all enter their heads, and therefore they will be unable to believe in the possibility of the enormous impudence of the most infamous distortion in others; indeed, they may doubt and hesitate even when being enlightened, and they accept any cause at least as nevertheless being true; therefore, just for this reason some part of the most impudent lie will remain and stick; a fact which all great lying artists and societies of this world know only too well and therefore also villainously employ.
-- Adolf Hitler
[Hat Tip: Jay Guevara]

posted by CBD at
07:00 PM
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