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October 11, 2018
Guy In Haunted House Gives a Knife to a Girl, Tells Her to "Stab" Her Friend With It. She Does. Turns Out It Was a Real Knife and It Wasn't a "Stabbing," It Was a Real Stabbing.
And the guy distributing knives, get this, didn't even work there. He was just handing out knives on a freelance basis.
He did deliver quite a scare, though.
Yochim's group started laughing and joking with someone they thought was a cast member. At one point, he handed Yochim's friend a knife and told her to stab him with it, as retribution for a teasing joke.
"Keep in mind, we'd been chased by chainsaws, holding other weapons, all kinds of stuff all night, and it was all fake," he said. "So she stabs at me with it, and everything got really black."
When Yochim looked down, he saw blood pouring from a knife wound that went clear through his forearm.
"The thing I remember," he said, "is the guy who gave it to her kind of freaking out and saying things like, 'Oh, I didn't know my knife was that sharp. I didn't know. I'm so sorry.'"
I didn't know the knife was that sharp. I thought it was just regular-sharp. You know, just a regular-sharp knife, only barely a lethal weapon.
Everything is a little hazy for Yochim around then, but he remembers coming to lying on a table with cast members trying to keep him conscious, and his friend "bawling" next to him.
"No one wants to stab their friend," he said. "I've been stabbed and I still can't even imagine what it's like to accidentally hurt your friend like that."
I have some friends I'd stab. You know, as a goof.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:10 PM
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