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Overnight Open Thread (09-10-2018 ) »
September 10, 2018
Obama: Benghazi Was a Conspiracy Theory. Also, The Idea That the Economy Improved Under Trump Is an Even Bigger Conspiracy Theory.
Here's a video clip of Obama claiming Benghazi was a "wild conspiracy theory."
Which part of it was a "conspiracy theory" -- that the attack was conducted by an Al Qaeda group (a fact Hillary Clinton admitted in a long-concealed email the very night of the attack) or that you lied and lied about this fact to maintain your other lie about Al Qaeda being on the run?
Obama also claimed that the economy was doing just as well under his maladministration as under the current one. Economists and basic mathematics disagree, firmly.
No magic wand needed:
David Harsanyi says "Thanks, Obama!" for reminding us all Why You Got Trump.
"Democrats aren't just running on good old ideas like a higher minimum wage, they’re running on good new ideas like Medicare-for-all," Obama noted. If Medicare-for-all is such a great idea -- which I suppose means Obamacare is failure -- why did Democrats spend every drop of political capital unilaterally shoving a wide-ranging national restructuring of a vital part of the economy through the system? Anyone who argued at the time that Obamacare was merely a step towards a broader socializing of medicine were immediately called liars by professional factcheckers, racists by Democrats, and accessories to murderer by activists.
You remember the comity of the Obama years, right?
The former president's haughty finger-wagging reminds us that the Trump presidency is, in big part, a manifestation of a fracture that was the result of the systematic destruction of process and subversion of political standards by his administration and its allies. Obamacare was just one example. Which is why I'm skeptical that the former will help Democrats (whom polls show doing well without him) more than unite conservatives heading into the midterms.
Um, "haughty" is a racist dog-whistle too, dude.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:02 PM
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