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August 17, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So the MSM is all butthurt because Trump called fake news the enemy of the people. So they all wrote a bunch of editorials complaining about it. But last weekend during the protests and counterprotests, there were a number of incidents where antifa goons physically attacked reporters and damaged video equipment carried by the cameramen. I saw the video footage, but I did not see a story about this. Did CNN complain that their reporters were roughed up by antifa? I did not see the wall-to-wall coverage there would have been if any one of the 23 white supremacists had so much as given a reporter a dirty look. So, to recap this week's MSM follies, Trump hurt their feelings and it's a national crisis. But then reporters are physically intimidated and assaulted by antifa thugs, and it's a big nothingburger? You know, if I were a progressive reporter whose job it is to cover these clowns, I'd be rethinking that whole 'there are no enemies on the Left' thing they've been going with."
CNN is doubling down on stupid with the typical prog "it's OK when we do it" argument to justify who antifa goons who assaulted police and journalists over the weekend. Meanwhile, the 27 white supremacists who showed up for the demonstration, who are apparently threatening to tear apart the national fabric, according to CNN and the SPLC, stood around like potted plants. Some threat. By the way, I'll bet that 4 or 5 of them were either FBI informants or undercover FBI agents.

Notorious Augusto P)
Hard Times Produce Good Men, Good Times Produce...?
How Many Horses Do You See?

(click for larger view)
Click here to see the ones I found.
(The above painting is by artist Bev Doolittle, who has a number of these types of "hidden" pictures. You can see more of her work here.)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:29 AM
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