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August 08, 2018
Professor: Journalists Are Like Soldiers. They Risk Stuff to Protect Us.
Marine: Tell Me About Your Purple Hearts for Papercuts, Sissyboys
Oh my.
"This professor wasn't even talking about journalists who do put themselves in harm’s way. He was talking about White House reporters who go to the press briefings and instead of asking questions, they pull out a soapbox and deliver sermons until Sarah Sanders shuts them down," Brooks said.
"Then they head to Twitter like it's their personal diaries and make the stories about themselves," he added. "To compare the two does a disservice to our service members and those men and women who signed up to protect the nation."
The Marine noted that military people tend to be quiet about their service and reluctant to praise themselves. He also noted that journalists were... not.
"The difference being is that a lot of these journalists out there right now, especially those White House reporters who want to grandstand and make the stories all about themselves, they could take a lesson from that," Brooks added.
Brooks said journalists are too hungry for praise and don't exhibit the same qualities as a solider who is serving their country.
"That's' the problem right now, is that these journalists that are wanting to be thanked that go out and seek the self-adulation, have fragile egos and a self inflated sense of worth," he concluded.
Gee I wonder who he's talking about.
Video at the link.
posted by Ace of Spades at
12:20 PM
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