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July 27, 2018
Friday ONT: Toxic Masculinity Edition
All hands on deck! Drop your c**** and grab your socks, it's time for the ONT!
[self launching animated .gif moved below the fold]
Fun fact: I try not to curse above the fold, but down here it's rock out with your cock out, baby!
I Have No Idea Why She's Upset. There's Beer!
Millennials Invent Farming
To Protect AND SERVE
Florida officer helps shave homeless man’s beard so he could get a job
I mentioned yesterday that I was in Ft. Worth all week. I was at a leadership conference, and I had the good fortune to spend some time with the CEO of my company. The man is a legend, he took a small, struggling company and turned it into an industry powerhouse, making hundreds of folks millionaires along the way. Then he retired, and a year or so later he did it again, coming out of retirement to resurrect another company that was even worse off than the first one, and less than a decade later, here we are again, right back on top (and beating the stuffing out of the first company that decided to go corporate after he left). I've know him for 20 years, and his success isn't due to superior intelligence, an ability to work harder than anyone else or a blinding charisma (although he has all of those things, in spades). No, his success is due to the culture that he instills everywhere he goes. It's in the company mission statement, a mission of H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday). He talks about service constantly. “Your income is the outcome”, he'll tell you, “The outcome of approaching everyone you meet with the attitude of trying to be of service to them”. The part that a lot of people, particularly our liberal friends, miss, is that having a servant's heart (as Sarah Palin put it), does not mean that you're subservient to anyone. Quite the opposite. You can be a fire-breathing Alpha male and still have a servant's heart. Like our friend the cop linked above.
(BTW, we're hiring, if anyone needs a job drop me a line, my nic at gee, mail!)
The Story of James
Found this thread on Twitter, all about an intern named James.
James failed to realize that, even on Casual Friday, American flag tank tops still weren’t appropriate office attire. When we asked him to change, he came back in a tank top and tennis shoes because he thought his flip flops were the issue.
To his credit, James has a pretty incredible singing voice. Unfortunately, he’s only ever used it for renditions of “Careless Whisper” by George Michaels (sic) and Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” with dirty lyrics.
Some pretty funny stuff. When you get down to people commenting on the thread it goes to the usual social media sinkhole, with some SJW folks bitter about James' “white privilege” or “male privilege” preventing him from getting fired (for what? There's nothing overtly “fireable” in the stories recounted, and only one thing I recall that might even be borderline). Didja ever notice that SJW types tend to demand acceptance of every single foible they have, while refusing to give any leeway to anyone else? I guess they never read Matthew 18: 21-35.
Related: Justin Welby reimagines a poorer and less free Britain
The Archbishop of Canterbury, for heaven's sake. The article is a great fisking of his nonsense, by the way. I wish I could have every collectivist in the world standing before me. I'd pound this truth into their empty heads: THERE.IS.NO.GREATER.GOOD. With a mace. The “greater good” is achieved by maximizing the number of individual goods in a society. It can never be imposed from above, no matter how wise, or smart or * spit * “compassionate” you think you are.
The Auschwitz Volunteer
How many of you have heard of Witold Pilecki? If you haven't, you should make it a point to learn about a man who volunteered to go undercover as a prisoner in Auschwitz, and stayed there for 3 years.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by good advice:
The Yahoo Group just peed on the floor.

posted by WeirdDave at
09:58 PM
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