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EMT 07/21/18 »
July 20, 2018
The ONT Has Landed
Tonight's ONT is going to rock on
We Come in Peace for All Mankind
49 years ago today, man first set foot on another world. It is actually my first memory, my mother sitting me down on the big green braided rug in front of the old RCA console TV she had won while working for NBC in the mid 60s. “ Watch David. Watch this”. I didn't grasp the import, of course, what 2 year old would? But I remember. Experience the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. This is a stunning website. Mission control on the right track, the lander on the left. It's like being there again for the first time. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I will confess there were tears in my eyes when they touched down.
Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.
Indeed, and the world has never been the same.
Fido Friday
Love the way he hops with excitement while waiting for the machine to cycle.
Rest in Peace
Classy move by the Commander in Chief. Secret Service agent Nole Edward Remagen died of a stroke while the president was in Helsinki. President Trump met the plane carrying his body at Andrews AFB.
Tennis Anyone?
Rice Field Art
By planting different cultivars of rice, artists in Asia make elaborate pictures in the fields. See some great examples here.
This graphic is from a textbook, Glencoe Science: Biology, Chapter 5, Section 3. Anyone see the problem here? Anyone?
Related: More fun with maps
They opened it. They actually opened a huge black sarcophagus. Somebody better have Brendan Fraser on speed dial.
Another Anniversary
We opened with the moonwalk, lets close with something a little more prosaic. ‘Midnight Run’ at 30. That's right, 30 years ago Midnight Run debuted in theaters. Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin, and Dennis Farina, in the best performance of his career, made this an absolute classic. One of my favorite movies of all time. In the immortal words of Jimmy Serrano, why don't you sit down, relax, have a sandwich, drink a glass of milk, do some fucking thing.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by liberals fighting racism:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:50 PM
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