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July 09, 2018
Dick Durbin to Democrats: Sacrifice Your Senate Seats to Vote Against Trump's Supreme Court Nominee, Whoever It Is
Interesting that the left understands that the game of electioneering is secondary to securing actual policy victories, many on the right continue to insist on the contradictory claims that 1, only winning offices matter, and it doesn't matter if winning candidates sell the movement out after winning, and 2, that to prove our personal "principles" and integrity, we should give the Presidency to Hillary Clinton and the Supreme Court to the left.
I can't really fault Dick Durbin for understanding What Time It Is better than the right's crop of People Who Rilly Rilly Understand Politics and Are Such Experts That They Have Written Many Tweets About It.
en. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., acknowledged that so-called red-state Democrats may be tempted to vote for Trump's selection out of political necessity, but urged his colleagues Sunday to consider more than their political careers.
"Beyond the procedure, beyond the gamesmanship, it is a life-and-death important decision to be made by this court on so many issues," the Senate minority whip said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"The men and women that I work with on the Democratic side really take this seriously," he added, after host Chuck Todd raised the possibility that Democrats could lose their bid to retake the Senate by opposing the nominee. "They understand it's an historic decision. It's about more than the next election. It's about what future the United States of America is going to chart."
Apparently the Supreme Court vote will be a "binary" one. Which sages and sooth-sayers of the Twitter Right tell me the last presidential contest was not.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:36 PM
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