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July 06, 2018
Dat's Wite Wabbit, It's Time for the ONT
Happy Friday everyone! Remember that asshole who tossed the soda in the face of the kid and then stole his MAGA hat? Well, not only did he lose his job and get arrested, but a gal on Twitter turned the tables on him by turning him into a meme - probably not one he will appreciate.
Well done @Beckysoo!
Be Kind. Rewind
In Search of the Last Great Video Store
The article brings up an interesting point. The convenience of streaming has virtually killed the traditional video store. That's great and all, but the amount of stuff that's available is minuscule compared to what we had before.
Netflix’s current streaming catalogue of 3,686 films seems paltry when compared to even the most average Blockbuster, which stocked in the neighborhood of 10,000 titles. Amazon Prime’s streaming library is three times the size of Netflix’s, with 14,214 films now streaming — Amazon also offers an additional 20,265 titles via their rental service for an additional fee. Hulu has less than half as many movies as Netflix with 1,448 titles now streaming. On HBO NOW, that number falls to only 727 films.
When comparing these numbers to the libraries of three essential video stores — Los Angeles’ own Vidiots and Eddie Brandt’s Saturday Matinee and Scarecrow Video in Seattle — the lack of what’s available on streaming falls into sharp relief. Vidiots boasts a collection of over 50,000 titles; Eddie Brandt’s carries over a hundred thousand videos, 80,000 of them on VHS.
In Seattle, Scarecrow’s video collection of over 131,000 is the largest in the world — they carry more than twice as many titles as the 57,351 movies and television shows currently available on the 44 streaming and rental platforms that JustWatch tracks.
It's a good point. I doubt you'd be able to find, say The Last American Virgin streaming anywhere today. It's a pretty stupid teen T&A film, true, but it came along at an impressionable time in my life, and it might be enjoyable to re-watch, if only for Diane Franklin's, er, memorable talent. And even if you do find LAV, I'm positive you'll never find Second Time Lucky, where that talent is on even greater display.
Related: This Guy Spots How Movies Recreate Iconic Paintings, And You Probably Didn’t Even Know It Happened
With side by side illustrations. Some of these are a reach - anyone cradling a body is going to look like The Pietà (which is stunningly beautiful, BTW. I saw it in Rome a few months ago, and the thought of someone taking an axe to such beauty is infuriating), for example – but others are obviously direct recreations of famous paintings.
The Slow Knife
Click through, then click on the images to see what he's talking about.
Fresh From Your Grandma's Inbox
I don't know if this is true or not, the internet being what it is I tend to doubt it, but it is a beautiful story nonetheless.
Retiring worn-out wind turbines could cost billions that nobody has
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the F-35
That's Racist!
Now Monty Python Is Racist or Something
The Left Has Lost Their Damn Minds
I can find no indication that this is a parody, but it has to be. Doesn't it?
I stopped going to the gym because of Trump. Now I can't open jars
Narrator: It's not a parody.
Fido Friday
Happy dog, hap, happy dog!
Your Lying Eyes
You'll want to get an eyeful of these fascinating facts about eyes
No-Drama Obama
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Moron Pigs:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:51 PM
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