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Max Boot: The Republican Party Must be Destroyed Like the Nazi Party Before It »
July 06, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Western Civilization has brought many benefits to mankind. Not only big ones like the rule of law and property rights, but smaller things that you might not notice because we take them all for granted, Like personal hygiene. And indoor plumbing. And municipal sanitation. And lots of bananas and other fresh tropical fruit. We no longer toss the contents of our slop jars and chamber pots into the street, or on random passersby who happen to be in range, but instead flush them down the loo, where they are carried off and disposed of more safely. So the knuckleheads who scream 'Down With Western Civilization!' may think they are protesting slavery and genocide, but in reality are attacking personal hygiene. And indoor plumbing. And municipal sanitation. And they're extending laurels and hearty handshakes to filth, disease, pestilence, and starvation. They may not know this. They may deny it. But if they're going to throw out everything, then everything will be thrown out. And the other things will come back in, and they won't be able to stop them. They're going to get it good and hard."
San Francisco's Feces Fest '18:
Now you know that 20-lb. pound bags of excrement left out on random sidewalks might pose a health risk to the residents of San Francisco. But the Board of Supervisors, which is San Francisco's elected municipal government, is all very "woke" and progressive, so you know they'll be implementing a very progressive solution. To get a hint at what that might be, let's bring in progressive cultural thought leader Shaun 'Talcum X' King, a white guy so woke he thinks he's a black guy, to get an idea of what the social justice warriors think of American cities being drowned in rivers of poo:
So there you have it folks. According to Talc here, turning your streets into open sewers is only a problem if you're white. Which makes you a racist. And you hate brown people. So shut your mouth.
And my guess would be that Talcum X lives in a nice, safe and clean community (probably gated), far, far away from the stinking bags of poo.
Now, you may be saying, "oh pshaw, that's San Francisco, which has always been a bit nutty. That could never happen in my town." Think not? Well, it's not just San Francisco that's being turned into a communal latrine:

As I said, they're asking for it. Good and hard.
And Are We Keeping Score?

"You know, I think I see a trend."
If I Were The Judge, I'd Rule His Actions Justifiable:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:26 AM
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