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June 22, 2018
Michael Anton: Here's a Question No One Ever Asks-- Why Does a Nation of 320 Million Need Millions of More Immigrants?
Not a Cuck. Trump made an error in letting this cat go, and should rehire him in a more important position if he ever becomes available again, and if he's even willing to take a job again with Trump.
As Capitol Hill Republicans attempt for -- what, the eighth? ninth? -- time in the past two decades to jam through an amnesty that their voters have explicitly, loudly and repeatedly said they do not want, it’s worth asking a question that is rarely raised:
Does the United States -- population 320 million and rising --need more people? If so, why?
To most ears, the question sounds blasphemous, which illustrates the rottenness of our immigration debate. Actually, "debate" is far too generous. One side has made sure that there is no debate. Good people want more immigration, and bad people object or raise questions. An inherently political issue has been effectively rendered religious, with the righteous on one side, sinners on the other.
The basic question remains. The pat answer over the past 20 years 0-- "to do the jobs Americans just won’t do" -- may seem to have some salience with a 3.9 percent unemployment rate. But that only further begs the question. After at least two decades of wage stagnation and even decline, now that we've finally reached the nirvana of full employment (and who knows how long it will last), why not take advantage of this tight labor market to raise wages across the board? Especially for the working and middle classes that got nowhere or even lost ground during the housing, finance and tech booms of recent years?
Just about everyone knows the answer: because the business community does not like tight labor markets and the concomitant necessity to raise wages. That's bad for the bottom line. The solution? More workers! And so the Chamber of Commerce Annex -- a.k.a. Capitol Hill Republicans -- dutifully attempt to do their donors' bidding at the expense of their voters’ interests.
Economists in league with big business got good at torturing data to "show" that immigration benefits the economy. But as demonstrated by Harvard University’s George Borjas, one of the nation’s leading economists on the topic, immigration is a net economic benefit to immigrants and to their employers. To workers already here, not so much.
We know how more immigration benefits big business and the Democratic Party. No one has yet to convincingly explain how it benefits the American people as a whole. That's the foremost consideration that should drive our immigration debate, and that’s what should determine our immigration policy.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:20 PM
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