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April 30, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So President Trump said 'screw you' to the press and blew off the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Instead, he went to a rally in Michigan and he told the cheering crowd that he'd rather with them rather than back in Washington DC with 'those guys'. Trump asked the crowd, why should he waste an entire evening with people who obviously hate him, and, by extension, them? Normal Americans have long known this, which is why the MSM's ratings are lower than Joe Biden's IQ. But this is the first time they've had someone that high in office who can see it, too. This is why they like Trump. He Gets It."
Even some reporters are saying that the WHCD was a disaster and a 'gift' to Trump:
MSNBC: Still Leaning Forward
Because Celebrating Mediocrity Is What Made America Great:
Compare & Contrast:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:23 AM
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