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April 26, 2018
Diamond & Silk Give Hank "Guam Might Tip Over" Johnson Hell Over His Claim That FaceBook Censorship Is No Big Deal Because They Can Still Sell T-Shirts
Either get back on the plantation or be demonetized.
"The point I'm trying to make is you all have been bashing Facebook and you've been making a ton of money, isn't that correct?" Johnson pressed.
"We didn't bash Facebook," Hardaway said. "We brought the light on how Facebook has been censoring conservative voices like ours... They won't let us monetize on Facebook. They stopped it for six months, 29 days. They limited our page."
"And Youtube did also by demonetizing 95 percent of our videos for no reason at all," Richardson chimed in, "deeming it as hate speech."
Johnson continued in his attempts to discuss the sisters’ profits, saying "you still sell merchandise."
"Even if we sell merchandise that don't have anything to do with Facebook," Hardaway replied. "Facebook censored our free speech, and shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored."
Hardaway then highlighted what she claimed was a double standard in the way Facebook treats conservatives like them.
"When the Black Lives Matter people come in, everyone is up in arms," she told Johnson. "Let me just say this here, if the shoe was on the other foot and Mark Zuckerberg was a conservative, and we were liberals, oh all fences and all chains would have broke loose. You know it and I know it. What I find appalling is that these Democrats they don't want to take up for our voice because we support the president."
"Democrats would be in the streets," Richardson agreed. "Democrats would be in the streets right now marching and calling him all types of racist."
Sure we're censoring your right to make money off free speech, but we've still permitted you to make a living by fishing, so what's your problem?
Then Johnson got into this bizarre territory: That Congress was giving Diamond & Silk a platform at the hearing, and with that they could increase their profile and make money, so, in a way, wasn't FaceBook just helping them make money by censoring them?
I think that was his point. The man is a retard. You tell me what this was intended to mean:
Johnson concluded his questioning with a comment that the committee is "giving you a tremendous platform with this hearing to make a ton of money when it's over."
"That's right, and I hope everybody goes on Facebook and follows us," Hardaway replied. "Because that’s what it’s supposed to be about. It’s supposed to be about obtaining the American dream. We are African-American women. If illegal aliens can come over here and build businesses, why can’t we? We were born on this soil. You don’t have a right to silence my voice."
What I hear this asshole saying is that only Democrats are allowed to make money by speaking their political views. I don't see anyone in the Democrat media orbit missing any meals.
But it's somehow sneaky or cheating that these two women are doing so.
He'd have a different opinion if they were on the plantation, naturally.
Video at the link. It's worth the watch.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:41 PM
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