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April 24, 2018
Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv Interrogated by Broward Police for Non-Crime of Safely Shooting a Legal Gun Inside a Licensed Gun Range; "Treated Like a Criminal"
The Broward Cowards don't like confronting criminals with guns. They make up for it by getting tough with law-abiding citizens with guns.
Although Kashuv was a 2nd Amendment supporter, he'd never actually fired a gun before. So this past weekend he went to the range with his dad.
He posted about it on social media:
When a parent of a slain student objected to Kashuv's tweet, he responded in this sensible, polite way:
Despite making it clear that he was not following the path of Nikolas Cruz, this tweet allegedly "traumatized" some fellow students.
So the Broward Cowards decided to treat the non-threat Kaschuv much differently from the actual live, multiply-reported threat Cruz.
Probably because they knew he wasn't a threat.
Near the end of third period, my teacher got a call from the office saying I need to go down and see a Mr. Greenleaf. I didn't know Mr. Greenleaf, but it turned out that he was an armed school resource officer.
How did you find him, given that he was certainly hiding in a stairwell?
I went down and found him, and he escorted me to his office. Then a second security officer walked in and sat behind me. Both began questioning me intensely. First, they began berating my tweet, although neither of them had read it; then they began aggressively asking questions about who I went to the range with, whose gun we used, about my father, etc. They were incredibly condescending and rude.
Then a third officer from the Broward County Sheriff's Office walked in, and began asking me the same questions again. At that point, I asked whether I could record the interview. They said no. I asked if I had done anything wrong. Again, they answered no. I asked why I was there. One said, "Don't get snappy with me, do you not remember what happened here a few months ago?"
They continued to question me aggressively, though they could cite nothing I had done wrong. They kept calling me "the pro-Second Amendment kid." I was shocked and honestly, scared. It definitely felt like they were attempting to intimidate me.
I was treated like a criminal for no reason other than having gone to the gun range and posted on social media about it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:42 PM
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