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April 18, 2018
Shattering the Glass Cellar: Hillary Clinton is Spectacularly, Radioactively Unpopular Now
But she seems so nice!
Losing candidates fall in popularity, I'd guess, because their pre-election popularity was artificially and temporarily boosted by partisans "coming home" to support the candidate.
When a candidate loses the election, she loses all of that temporary, contingent support.
And if she loses an election most expected her to win, she also loses support from people who supported her even without the "coming home" bonus.
Republicans, I'd imagine, continue to dislike her at the same rates they always did. Even the NeverTrumpers feel freer about criticizing Hillary Clinton now, and they backed her, either openly or passive-aggressively.
But Democrats blame her, correctly, for being a terrible candidate. They should also blame themselves for having deluded themselves into thinking she was a good candidate, despite all available evidence.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:07 PM
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