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April 17, 2018
Power-Tripping Tyrannical Tyke Now Calls for More Boycotts
First of all, David "Camera" Hogg's last boycott, of Laura Ingraham, boosted her ratings by 20%.
Now, having high ratings means little if advertisers boycott, but if you get your ratings higher, you'll have offers.
Having failed to bring down Laura Ingraham, the lil'est demagogue figures he should go after easier targets-- such as the Vanguard Group, a little mom-and-pop investment operation with a mere $1.5 trillion (with a t-r-i) under its management.
I'm sure he'll be able to pressure this behemoth, which is by the way charged with the task of maximizing shareholder value, into divesting itself of the $47 million it invests, per its dispassionate analysis of best benefit to clients, in gun manufacturers.
He also demands boycotts of Blackrock and a little firm called Credit Suisse.
By the way, I don't know much about Credit Suisse but I know the Swiss are famously cooperative with demands about how they run their banks and investments. They roll over like puppies in need of a rub.
John D. Davidson looks at the most recent outbursts of Messianic Progressivism and concludes that progressivism is "at its heart a savior complex." He notes a recent book about Woodrow Wilson's Comey-like Messiah complex.
After the war, at the Paris Peace Conference, Wilson's arrogance and moralizing became untethered from reality. O’Toole recounts one instance when Wilson "startled Lloyd George by observing that organized religion had yet to devise practical solutions to the problems of the world. Christ had articulated the ideal, he said, but He had offered no instruction on how to attain it. 'That is the reason why I am proposing a practical scheme to carry out His aims,' he told his fellow statesmen."
George later wrote that, "Clemenceau slowly opened his dark eyes to their widest dimensions and swept them round the assembly to see how the Christians gathered round the table enjoyed this exposure of the futility of their master." Imagine being so possessed of your own self-righteousness that you think you should propose “a practical scheme” to carry out the aims of Jesus Christ.
That, in a nutshell, is progressivism. It is hubris and conceit mixed with a tyrannical impulse, and it is one of the reasons we have so much moralizing in America today, yet so little morality.
I think I liked the old system in which there was only one Savior (though who that savior was might be contested among several candidate) better than the new system in which every #Woke16YearOld with a blue checkmark is now a would-be savior.
A commenter suggested a terrific comparison of David Hogg -- the temperamental, power-mad mutant who wishes anyone he doesn't like into The Cornfield.
That's good. That's real good, David. It's a good thing you wished the Vanguard Group into the cornfield. We all like your nigh-random outbursts and angry displays of callow power. It's good that you do all the things that you do.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:39 PM
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