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CNN Contributor: It's Okay to Call Black People Racial Slurs, As Long As They're Republican »
April 03, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
These are the fellow travelers of the progressive movement. There are hundreds of thousands of them, and they are carefully cultivated so that they can be called up at a moment's notice to swell the crowds at whatever protest needs bodies. It is a testament to the superior organizational ability of the left, and a very dangerous thing indeed.
Anyone care to bet that there was a large contingent of hardline socialist and communist organizations there, complete with signs and banners, but the MSM carefully ignored them?
This video has been floating around for several days (I think it was posted in an ONT last week), but I think it is worth watching again. And just to be clear; the graph of the IQs of Down Syndrome people overlaps that of regular folks. That means that there is a segment of the Down Syndrome population who have higher IQs than a segment of the non-Down Syndrome population. And if you compare them to Congress it's even more impressive.
But on another level this is simply chilling. Nazi Germany has nothing on the modern European state.
Here is the Washington Post's pet "conservative."
What poor little Jenny doesn't understand because she is too stupid and insular and ignorant of what real Americans think, is that there is no "white grievance." It is "American Grievance," and the anger is directed at people exactly like her, and that's how we got Trump!
The Slow Destruction of Iran's Water Supply
Water crisis spurs protests in Iran
This kid is impressive.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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