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March 30, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Did you know that Hungary is being run by a bunch of eeevil Christian so-cons? I'll bet you didn't. But it's true. As such, Hungary has refused to assume responsibility to permanently feed and house the muslim thug refugees flocking in from the Mideast who will refuse to assimilate and contribute nothing except an increase in crime rates and the turning of their major cities into no-go hellholes. Naturally, EU globalist bureaucrats in Brussels are unhappy about Hungary for unapologetically trying to preserve their Christian culture (as well as the safety of their wives and daughters). So they've been trying to figure out how to impose sanctions to force Hungary to accept its "fair share" of violent muslim criminal refugees."
I Wish We Had One of These
The inspiration for today's rant comes from Mrs. Muse, who is the prayer coordinator for our church. She is in contact via e-mail with other churches in our denomination all over the world, taking their prayer requests, etc. This is what she received from one of our churches in Hungary:
And finally, please pray for the elections in Hungary on April 8. We would like if the current Christian-conservative party would be able to continue their government.
Slapweasel should probably add this to the AoSHQ prayer list.
Why A Government Run By Unapologetic So-Cons Might Not Be A Bad Idea:

Because this is what you get when you explicitly expunge them from any position of influence or policy.
Also, a so-con government would give the progs something they could enjoy themselves rebelling against. Because from the Salem Witch Trials to the Scopes Trial, from the Scarlet Letter to Elmer Gantry, nothing fires up the holy zeal of the progs like that old time, praise the Lord, tents-and-sawdust religion, hallelujah. So they can wear their goofy hats and make their silly signs, hook up with the weed-and-polyamory wing of the Libertarian Party, and they can all march up and down Pennsylvania Avenue chanting and singing, mugging for the CNN cameras, bask in the praise of the potato-head media, and a good time will be had by all.
The Endless Cycle:
Compare & Contrast:

Because sooner or later, all commies look the same.
Looks Like Great Britain Needs Some Common Sense Acid Control Legislation:
Here Are Two Reasons Why Stormy Daniels' Interview Brought In '60 Minutes' Highest Ratings Since 2008:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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