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Game Over? Teacher Says That For First Time In Her Long Career, a Class Has Refused to Pass Judgment Against the Human Sacrifice Depicted in Shirley Jackson's Cautionary Tale "The Lottery" �
March 20, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Screech and screech and screech all day long, but eventually you will have to shut up and start picking berries or stripping leaves from branches or picking termites out of mounds...or you will starve. And where do you think the poo comes from?
The Higher Ed Crack Up Begins
I think we're already seeing the beginnings of a de facto divorce of universities, in which the STEM fields and other "practical" disciplines essentially split off from the humanities and social sciences, not to mention the more politicized departments.
At this rate eventually many of our leading research universities will bifurcate into marginal fever swamps of radicalism whose majors will be unfit for employment at Starbucks, and a larger campus dedicated to science and technology education.
I think Mr. Hayward is a bit too optimistic, but his prediction is certainly not irrational. My fear is that the STEM departments will become tainted with the stench of multiculturalism and the bottom feeding SJWs will infiltrate.
But in the end, you do have to know how to perform complex mathematical calculations and have a solid understanding of some basic science to enter these majors. So regardless of the trend in academia, STEM is partially protected from the worst excesses of the Left's long march through our institutions simply because calculus and mechanics and fluid dynamics and statistics and analytical chemistry is HARD! And these people don's strike me as studious types. Complex designs on caramel machiattos doesn't take the place of differential equations.
[Hat Tip: Jay Guevara]
I wonder if these kids gave permission to be used as props in an overtly political anti-gun rally? I wonder whether they signed releases allowing their likenesses to be used? I wonder whether their parents are aware that their children were used in this manner?
This makes me laugh. Hawking was a committed atheist; maybe that is how God deals with those who don't believe?
And besides, I am deeply suspicious of Hawking's scholarship. He was an aggressive self-promoter, and I suspect that his physics suffered accordingly.
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