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March 15, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Intestinal fortitude, having the strength of your convictions, standing up for yourself...these are all terms to describe what many of us strive for. This young man has arrived. His buddies in the Republican club? Nope. They are panty-waisted little worms, and he is better off being far away from them. I'd suggest he throw poo at them, but they aren't worth the effort.
College Republicans president resigns rather than apologize for free speech wall that triggered peers
Some students became so upset by the free speech wall they accused the College Republicans of “hate speech” and “inciting violence” during a heated February campus meeting over it. But even after a parade of his peers took to the mic and accused Eike and other GOP students of hatred, the international student stood his ground.
“I don’t feel like stepping back on free speech is the way to go,” Eike, 21, told The College Fix in a telephone interview.
Eike left the meeting before it ended, and later other members of the St. Cloud State College Republicans apologized for not vetting the wall more carefully, and subsequently took it down.
The other members seem to be practicing for careers with the GOP! Apologizing for their political philosophy and caving to pressure from their political enemies? Sounds like they would fit right in! Paul Ryan has a few openings. And Mitch McConnell can always use a few spineless weasels on his staff.
IDF paratroopers teach US marines 'lost art' of tunnel combat
I guess it's a valuable skill, but I would far prefer to flood the tunnels or blow them up. Why risk men?
I know there isn't supposed to be any math on this blog, but as far as I can tell, Jamaica's murder rate is 12 times that of the USA. I'll bet they are getting their guns from Indiana, or maybe from American gun shows, where it is so very, very easy to just walk in and buy a full-auto AR-47 with 100 round clip magazines and rocket launcher attachment. And exploding bullets.
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posted by CBD at
11:20 AM
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