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March 12, 2018
House Panel Set to Announce That No "Collusion" With RUSSIA Occurred in Election, and Issue Report
By the way, even Saturday Night Live is gently preparing its viewers for the fact that there was no RUSSIAN collusion in the election. (At least not on Trump's side.)
That sketch isn't funny -- nothing on SNL is -- but it is telling that even SNL knows What Time It Is, but the NeverTrumpers do not.
I was saying recently that a lot of NeverTrumpers are like soft 9/11 Truthers in this regard -- they like the pose of "Just Asking Questions" without being specific about what details of the conspiracy theory they believe are likely, or not likely. They float things without offering opinions -- something the Soft Truthers would do. They wouldn't quite commit to any particular theory, but they would indulge in fanning the flames of conspiracy.
Since NeverTrumpers like to point out hypocrisies -- would they have permitted any Soft Truthers to dabble in conspiracy theories, keeping open the possibility that "maybe Bush knew something," pushing that sort of idea without explaining precisely what they personally believed? Without personally committing to a version of reality, or at least their best guess as to it?
Why are the NeverTrumpers permitting themselves to indulge in this Soft Trutherism on Russia?
Dave Reaboi kind of got into this area of questioning on Twitter, and I am not at all surprised that the Soft Election Truthers he's referring to chose to clarify their positions.
Here's one question: if Trump and Russia agreed to "collude," and our intelligence agencies decided it was "likely" that Hillary's secret serve had been hacked by hostile foreign powers (like: Russia), why did Russia never follow through on its part of the deal and release those emails?
What were the precise terms of the "collusion" the NeverTrumpers clinging to this conspiracy theory believe were in operation, and which of them do they believe the respective parties delivered on?
Details, conspiracy theorists. Not just vague insinuations. Details as to what you believe, and what you don't believe.
So anyway, Saturday Night Live has broken the bad news to its fans that there wasn't any "collusion" and they should prepare themselves for great disappointment.
When will Bill Kristol and the various members of the Twitter #SmartSet Sewing Circle do likewise?
Or are we going to continue insisting that it's an open question whether or not fire can melt steel?
I was going to include Weekly Standard on that list -- and really, I still should -- but somehow they permitted this article by Eric Felten to get by #TheGatekeepers so for the moment I'll give them a pass. Maybe the Weekly Standard is beginning to cushion the blow of reality for the True Believers too.
Update: On Special Report, Jonah Goldberg emphasized the positive by claiming the big news from the report is that it vindicates the intel agencies' finding that Russia "interfered" in our election. Mollie Hemingway then told him it also knocks down the "Washington consensus" that Trump was a traitor who colluded with Russia.
At this point, Jonah became visibly angry as he defended the "Washington consensus," as if he were a card-carrying member of it, and essentially defended both the liberal media (such as CNN) and his NeverTrump fellow travelers by claiming that Russia/Trump collusion had never, ever, ever been part of the "Washington consensus." I guess this means, "So I have nothing to apologize for, nor do my palz at CNN."
Mollie then pointed out that if he and the "Washington consensus" of which he seems so proud and so defensive had not been believers in the collusion narrative, maybe they could have made that clear by explicitly writing what they believed and what they did not believe to be the truth.
You know, like paid "pundits" are supposed to do -- tell us what they actually think, instead of Just Asking Questions.
A visibly flustered Jonah was left sputtering and muttering, pretty much, that his swell palz in the Washington Consensus are right about everything, always.
These guys claim to be Truth Tellers but won't tell us what they really think about the most important political controversies of the day, but only talk around them and insinuate things?
Then what is the fucking point of you?