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Oscars Ratings Down Double-Digits; May Turn Out to be Lowest-Rated Oscars Ever »
March 05, 2018
The Morning Rant

"A lot of people, mainly progressives, are getting their knickers in a twist over Trump saying that in some circumstances he would take guns first and worry about due process second. But we've accepted the suspension of due process rights in certain circumstances for quite a while now, so isn't this indignation a bit late? If they can take somebody's stuff just because they suspect it's been used for drug trafficking, then it's no great leap to justify taking somebody's guns because they suspect he's going to shoot up a school or shopping mall. This could be something both left and right could work together to eliminate, but if progressives are only going to complain when Trump does it, that's not much of a basis for bipartisan action."
Sabo's Billboards He Put Up Around Los Angeles To Celebrate the Oscars:
This Is Not Going To End Well:

"Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot."
Apparently, Somebody Didn't Get The Joke:

(Narrator: The Babylon Bee is a satirical web site)
But wait, it gets better. Somebody confronted Snopes with this on Twitter:
So, rather than doing any actual fact checking, which I thought was what they supposedly did, Snopes doubled down on stupid.
No wonder their credibility is sinking faster than Harvey Weinstein's pants at a Hollywood casting party.
(...and it would have taken them maybe 3-4 clicks to confirm that the Babylon Bee is satire. Are they really that smug or just lazy?)
Draining the Swamp?

posted by OregonMuse at
11:29 AM
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