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January 19, 2018
ONT Potpourri
Friday night, end of the week, bottom of the barrel. Let's shake things up and see what falls out of the ONT goodie bag. Hmm, what's first? Why it's the Captcha from hell, of course!
News From The Barrel
Speaking of barrels, lots of y'all ask me what the barrel is really like. Well, last night I took a picture.
So make sure you close those tags now, y'hear?
So, yesterday Amazon.com announced the short list of 20 locations for it's secondary headquarters and IOWAHAWK WAS THERE! (Click through and scroll to read them all)
A Question of Scruples
Anyone remember that board game? The cards had little moral dilemmas on them, like “If a storekeeper gave you too much change would you return it” of “If you were having sex with a girl and she died, would you finish?” Things like that. Well, I had a thought along those lines today. Suppose you were to open a clinic offering totally free abortions-but in order to get the abortion the pregnant woman would have to get a (again, free) full medical exam, including a 3D ultrasound and full counseling on alternatives? Some percentage, I think a significant percentage, would change their mind. If 100 pregnant women walk into a Planned Parenthood “clinic”, you're going to get 100 dead babies, or damn near. But if, say, 40% of the women who came to the free clinic changed their mind, that's 40 babies that have been saved. Would the good of the 40 saved babies outweigh the evil of the 60 that were killed? I don't know, thoughts?
Related: Want to know who is an absolute warrior online for the pro-life cause? Jenna Jameson. Yes, that Jenna Jameson.
Go to Twitter and read her timeline. She's brutal to the pro-aborts. It's magnificent.
What They Mean by “Skilled Artisan”
Don't Bring a Fake to a Gun Fight Either
Audio required. “It's fake!” “Mine's real”
Mike Rowe Brings It
Mike Rowe Destroys Woman Who Wants Him Fired For Being ‘Ultra-Right Wing Conservative’
Mike is the master of the slow knife*
Nikki Haley Memes
“Get your Nikki Haley memes! Hot off the grill! Get your Nikki Haley memes here!”
Tom Petty died of accidental drug overdose :(
Did you ever want to see a T-Rex conducting the Jurasic Park theme song? Now you can.
What To Do If You Come Across A Frozen Iguana (Hint: Nothing)
Butler basketball signs 7-year-old Indiana boy with rare gene disease Good for them.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by the moment when you realize the story about going to the opera was just a ruse to get you to the vet:
*It's the slow knife...the knife that takes its time. The knife...that waits years without forgetting...then slips quietly between the bones. That's the knife...that cuts deepest
-Talia al Ghul

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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