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January 17, 2018
Ann Curry: Sexual Harassment Was "Pervasive" at NBC
This is the gal, it is much rumored, that Matt Lauer forced out.
Just for background.
She told this to CBS, which also had its own sexual harassment problems.
CURRY: ... I'm trying not to hurt people. And I know what it's like to be publicly humiliated. I never did anything wrong to be publicly humiliated. And -- and I don't wanna cause that kinda pain to somebody else. But I can say that I -- because you're asking me a very direct question -- I can say that I would be surprised if -- if -- many women did not understand that there was a climate of verbal harassment -- that existed. I think it'd be surprising if someone said that they didn't see that. So it was p -- a verbal -- sexual --
KING: All right, let me stick with the -- the -- the --
O'DONNELL: Sorry, sorry -- I just don't, I mean -- she just said verbal sexual harassment was pervasive.
CURRY: Yeah.
She declines to say if Matt Lauer was behind her own firing.
Though virtually everyone assumes he was.