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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (1/9/18 ) »
January 09, 2018
Shock: Google's New "Fact-Check" Feature... Only Fact-Checks Conservative Sites, and No Left-Leaning Ones
I know, I know. Perplexing!
Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results.
No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment.
And not only is Google's fact-checking highly partisan -- perhaps reflecting the sentiments of its leaders -- it is also blatantly wrong, asserting sites made "claims" they demonstrably never made.
When searching for a media outlet that leans right, like The Daily Caller (TheDC), Google gives users details on the sidebar, including what topics the site typically writes about, as well as a section titled "Reviewed Claims."
Vox, and other left-wing outlets and blogs like Gizmodo, are not given the same fact-check treatment. When searching their names, a "Topics they write about" section appears, but there are no "Reviewed Claims."
In fact, a review of mainstream outlets, as well as other outlets associated with liberal and conservative audiences, shows that only conservative sites feature the highly misleading, subjective analysis. Several conservative-leaning outlets like TheDC are "vetted," while equally partisan sites like Vox, ThinkProgress, Slate, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Salon, Vice and Mother Jones are spared.
Let alone CNN!
Maybe Google can "fact"-check one of their own employees' claim, made in a public talk presumably authorized by Google, that xhe was a "yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin" and also "an expansive ornate building."
Now, if you're saying to yourself, "Look, sister, I can buy the yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin identity, and even the expansive ornate building identity, but not both at the same time, see, that's because this Google employee (who is totally sane and can be trusted not to dig into your personal information) is a "Plural Being."
You dummies. I bet you didn't even know you could be a Plural Being.