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January 04, 2018
The Morning Rant
"You know, if it's oppression that produces terrorism, as western progressives claim, then the Copt community in Egypt would be cranking out terrorists by the carload. But they aren't, and never have. Despite being attacked continuously by muslims for years, there has never been any Copt terror gangs, death squads, or suicide bombers. Let the progressive chin-waggers chew on that."
Early Contender For 'Dumbest Tweet of 2018':
(Narrator: President Trump only blocked certain abusive individuals from viewing his tweets while the Iranian mullahs blocked Twitter throughout the entire country.)
No, This Is Not The Onion, It's the Washington Post (01-02-2018):
And they wonder why we call it the National LaughingStock?
Troll Level: Epic
Something Tells Me We're Going To Be Seeing A Lot Of This Sort Of Thing In 2018:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:30 AM
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