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January 02, 2018
Axios: 2018 Will be "Full Trump" With the "Establishment Guardrails" Removed?
Some good, some worrisome, some I don't know.
Next year will bring "full Trump," said one person who recently talked to the president.
Trump has governed mostly as a conventional conservative -- on tax cuts, his Supreme Court pick, and rolling back regulations. Most of his top advisers are fairly conventional conservatives, so that makes sense.
Most of those in his current decision-making circle -- even if they're not mainstream Republicans -- are defending mainstream Republican principles like free trade and an internationalist view of foreign policy.
But top officials paint a different portrait of Trump when it comes to what he really wants on trade, immigration and North Korea -- but has been tamped down by skeptical staff and Cabinet officials.
Trump still wants his wall, and tighter restrictions on legal immigration. He's a true believer on this stuff, and knows intuitively that it keeps his base stoked.
The other things he wants, according to these claims by Axios' source, are, first, a trade war with China, which he has so far passed on because of their promise of help on the North Korean front. But with China caught "RED-HANDED," as Trump tweeted, delivering supposedly embargoed oil to North Korea, Trump says it may be turn for the trade war with China he's always wanted.
Second, he wants a military strike on North Korea.
I really don't know about a "military strike" on North Korea. You cannot just "strike" a nuclear nation. You have to destroy it. You have to either go Biblicly big or not go at all.