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January 02, 2018
"Sources:" Chris Matthews Runs a "Toxic and Abusive" Work Environment At His Poorly-Viewed Show
It's always weird to find out that people on TV who seem like total assholes turn out to be actual assholes.
MSNBC Host Chris Matthews runs an at times openly derisive and brazenly sexist news operation that has led at least some staffers to describe themselves as victims of "battered wives syndrome," according to three of his show's guests and two former producers who spoke exclusively to The Daily Caller.
Two former NBC producers independently alleged Matthews would rate the looks of his female guests on a scale and said Matthews was so abusive that staff joked about being battered women. The interviews in total paint Matthews as a tyrant liable to fly off the handle at the slightest mistake, who was eager to objectify women and made inappropriate sexual comments appear to be a matter of course for someone in his position.
According to the two producers, whose combined time at the network nearly spans the existence of “Hardball,” Matthews frequently objectified his female guests and staffers, inappropriately commenting on their appearance and clothing. Matthews would allegedly use pet names like "cutie" and "sweetie pie" to refer to female guests and was constantly making uncouth and "boorish" remarks about women.
"He would eye down a woman who walked on set or comment on their features or what they were wearing," one former producer said, explaining that it looked like Matthews was undressing the women with his eyes. "He would objectify them and interrupt them in a way that he would never do to his male guests. He has a very outdated view of women."
The other producer likened his behavior to that of a "teenage boy," alleging that Matthews would rate his female guests on a numerical scale, deciding which guest was the "hottest of the week," and would talk about how "hot" various women in the office were, including herself.
Okay, let's face it, those "charges" sound mostly like #Snowflake bullshit, but those who mix the nation's daily dose of Social Justice poison must be made first to take a sip.