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December 27, 2017
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
All monkeys are equal, but some monkeys are more equal than others.
And that's why I throw poo!
Woman accuses United of giving her seat to Houston's Sheila Jackson Lee
We started a revolution to change the world's paradigm that some people are better than others. But we have regressed to a 21st century version of royalty, and it disgusts me.
This is one of the many things that must change before we return to a society more in tune with the one our founders envisioned. The idea that a member of congress is in any way more important than any other citizen of these United States is anathema to everything we stand for, fought for, died for, and strive to protect.
And the cozy, disgusting, rent-seeking relationship between business and our ruling class is another thing that needs to end. Yes, that is my secret populist emerging again, but I can't think of another way to describe how I feel about it. We need to break the power of government officials, and we need to destroy the relationship between big business and government. How dare United Airlines favor a sleazy politician over a paying passenger? You know how? Graft. It's called bribery too. But whatever you call it, it has no place in our country.
Kwanzaa: A Fraud Holiday, Created With A Racist Goal, By A Criminal Madman
Arguably, this holiday raised by some to the level of Christmas has the totally opposite purpose. While Christmas is meant to unify, Kwanzaa is meant to divide. Or as the then 16 year old Rev. Al Sharpton explained the feast would perform the valuable service of "de-whitizing" Christmas.
And another thing; the idea that Africa is a country rather than an extremely large continent with a bunch of wildly divergent countries and cultures is the height of bigotry. "Oh look, you have black skin, therefore I will lump you in with all of the other people with black skin, no matter where they are from."
Bill de Blasio likens himself to Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Mahatma Gandhi
Yeah....any NYC Morons care to comment on De Blasio's chances of becoming president? The only reason he is mayor of NYC is that the turnout was awful, and New Yorkers are knuckleheads when it comes to politics. He is an awful mayor, probably crooked (he is in the pocket of big real estate developers), is screwing up pretty much everything in NYC, and is an unpleasant asshole to boot.
Dear Colin Kaepernick,
This is how it's done.
posted by CBD at
11:30 AM
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