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December 18, 2017
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
"Throwing poo" is a metaphor for reasoned debate. There should be more poo throwing and less actual violence. But you people in the academy are too stupid to understand that the less real debate, the more real violence.
Prof: Trigger warnings 'serious threats' to teaching English
Ya think?
“Trigger warnings are posing serious threats to the ways that English educators can teach at the university level,” argues Wolfsdorf, who taught English for 18 years at the high school level, and is now in his fifth year of teaching at the Columbia University Teachers College.
In a list of six possible consequences of trigger warnings, he argues that they “foster a culture where student fragility is promoted over the development of resilience,” and can “encourage students to avoid intense literary moments that they may perceive as too powerful.”
His conclusion is partially correct, that "trigger warnings" are counter-productive. But he misses the larger point, that they are designed specifically to reject non-approved ideas and concepts, and that the fragility of the typical foolish, ignorant student is the desired goal. If everyone runs screaming and crying from the room (or throws rocks and smashes heads with bike locks) whenever the orthodoxy is challenged with contentious (read: conservative) ideas, then the barbarians have won.
“At the end of the day, we are trying to arm our students for reality—to build their resilience,” he concludes. “Being over-protective, even if well-intended, does more damage than good.”
And this is why Wolfsdorf will back down from his stance. He thinks that this is well-intentioned, and not a callous and manipulative ploy to destroy heterodox learning in America.
BuzzFeed editor locks down her account after Christmas wish goes wrong
In her defense, she is undoubtedly so poorly educated by the very people she wishes were running things that she has no idea what communism really is...just a prettified dictatorship with a well-designed ad campaign consisting of platitudes shaped to attract ignorant idealists such as herself.
Although, when I really think about it, I am being unfair to most dictatorships throughout history. How many made communism's concerted effort to kill so many of its own adherents and subjects?
posted by CBD at
11:35 AM
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