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December 08, 2017
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Like the head of our troop. If I throw poo at him, I get beaten up. But that's how it works in dictatorships!
Student suspended for debating Islamic extremism with Muslim peer in debate club
No, that's not Britain (which is unfortunately no longer "Great"), that's the United States of America, in Missouri of all places.
“Why are you making my religion out to be like that?” Lonsdale said Pervaiz asked him. The Muslim student became reticent, apparently no longer wanting to continue debating, before he ended the conversation by leaving, according to Lonsdale.
"Like that?" You mean like a religion that espouses the destruction of its enemies and the murder of innocents? Well, because that is exactly what Islam is. Sorry to burst your taqiya bubble, but those are the facts, and opening any newspaper will prove it.
The kid got railroaded by SJW administrators.
School officials told him his behavior could be considered “harassing” or “hounding” and that Lonsdale should be conscious of “social cues,” according to Lonsdale.
He said they accused him of “‘creating an emotionally unsafe zone.’”
It's got all the buzzwords that the cool kids use! And that little Nazi-in-training "Miles" needs to get out more and stop believing everything his teachers tell him.
“You initiated a 35-minute conversation trying to prove that Faraz’s entire religion was about terrorism,” wrote Miles. “You need to apologize for what you did and how you made Faraz feel.”
Who gives a shit how Faraz feels? Maybe Miles and the other fascists should ask the tens of thousands of innocents who have been slaughtered recently by Islamic murderers how they feel. But they won't, because that would be an explicit admission that Islam is violent, and we can't have that!
Anyone who defends Islam as it is currently constituted is an apologist for terrorism and violence. The number of Islamic institutions and organizations that push back against Salafist belief (murder the infidel and take back previously Islamic land) can be counted on one hand. When that changes, maybe I will take seriously the proposition that Islam is not a monolithic murder machine.
I wonder if the administration of this progressive incubator would have leaped to the defense of a student espousing fundamentalist Jewish beliefs (Jewish possession of the entire ancient kingdoms of Judea and Israel)?
Yeah, I thought not.
It's probably staged, but damn! It's great anyway.
From commenter "Christopher R. Taylor:"
That's what gets me. Trump has all the outward appearance of a massive narcissist. He branded his name. He has a tower made of gold with a huge TRUMP on the outside. The guy seems narcissistic as hell on first pass.
But he doesn't act like one. A narcissist has to turn everything into being about them. They cannot allow anyone, ever, to have the limelight or be more important than them. They don't care about anyone else, or find them interesting at any level.
Obama is a classic narcissist, everything literally is about him. Trump just seems to be playing a game; he's using the name for earnings and to accomplish goals rather than out of some psychosis or compulsion.
This is a fantastic point. Andrew Breitbart was correct!
And don't forget to order several copies of the world famous Moron cookbook, currently trending on Amazon. It is the talk of the cooking world, with an incredible number of five-star reviews, some of which are even punctuated correctly!
The Deplorable Gourmet
And just a reminder; all of the profits will go to charity.
posted by CBD at
11:30 AM
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