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November 15, 2017
Democrat Representative Jackie Speier Says House Has Paid Out $15 Million to Resolve Sexual Harassment Claims Against Congressmen and Staffers in Past 10-15 Years, But This Is Kept Secret From Public
Well, let's have it all out then.
So says Lindsey Graham, too, to which Instapundit replies: "They must be Democrats, huh?"
Meanwhile, a Democrat Colorado state representative is accused by ten women of sexual harassment. Pulling a page from his dog-eared copy of The Clinton Defense For Dummies, he says he's the real victim here.
A Democratic Colorado state representative embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal claims that he is being "blackmailed and coerced" and says that he fears for his life as his "rights have been violated."
Rep. Steve Lebsock (D-Thornton) allegedly became sexually aggressive toward Democratic colleague Rep. Faith Winter at a party in 2016, after she spurned his sexual advances, The Denver Post reported.
"He used explicit and suggestive language about how happy we could make each other and didn't we deserve to be happy --it was in the end of session," Winter said as she recounted the incident with Lebsock. "(He began) describing different sexual acts that we could do, and I turned him down. And the more I turned him down, the more aggressive and angry he got. He was standing over me. He was saying things like, 'Why can't you just leave? This is good for both of us, I know you can make me feel happy.'"
"I know you can make my dick happy" is pretty low on the list of Most Effective Pick-Up lines.
I think most women understand that implicitly. I think a good pick-up line would suggest that maybe there's something in it for them as well.